Now Boarding

Digital stage design 1999

Now Boarding was conceived for a theatre spectacle for Florence, Italy, in 2000. The project was developed in the scope of the Electronic Scenography course at the Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, conducted by Fabrizio Plessi in 1999.

Course participants were asked to develop a video work to juxtapose and interact with one of Plessi’s video sculptures. As a setting for a multi-media spectacle, Plessi’s video-based sculptures were to be housed in shipping containers, incorporating, in addition to the participant’s media-based works, opera singers, musical composition, dance and performance works.

I selected Plessi’s sculpture Sarajevo, which is a work about observation, surveillance via the media, immigration, displacement and homelessness. The video images created for Plessi’s Sarajevo container were filmed using a infra-red camera (see images right), and conceived so as to complement the conceptual framework of his original work.


Digital stage design