
Photographic series | Video 2005

Eye Notes consists of two separate, yet related works: a series of eleven photographic images and a 7:30 minute video sequence.

It is a study of the expression of the eyes: the eyes, eyebrows and forehead of a male subject form the notes on a musical score. The static photographic images recall the individual notes, whereas the slowly morphing video image forms the composition that illustrates the variation of the ‘notes’ in tune.

The photographic component of the Eye Notes series comprises eleven C-type photographs (lambda prints) mounted on aluminium board, 35 cm x 35 cm. The series was first exhibited at the Conny Dietzschold Gallery stand at the Art Fair, Cologne, 2004
The photographic component of the Eye Notes series comprises eleven C-type photographs (lambda prints) mounted on aluminium board, 35 cm x 35 cm. The series was first exhibited at the Conny Dietzschold Gallery stand at the Art Fair, Cologne, 2004


  • Eleven C-type photographs (lambda prints) mounted on aluminium board, 35 cm x 35 cm.
  • Video animation | 7:30 min


  • 5/5 + AP


  • 2004 Conny Dietzschold Gallery stand at the Art Fair, Cologne.